Dragan Babic enables design.

I'm done

I have come to an understanding, an epiphany even if you will. Today I talked to Arsenije who forwarded something to me which triggered something and made all the pieces kind of fall in place.

See, recently I was going on and on about how I'm “done with technology”, that “I no longer belong in it”, and so on. These were my answers whenever I talked with people.

Well, one thing is true… What I realized is that I am not tired of technology and design, I am tired of living in the tech bubble in real-time.

I can no longer stand spending mental energy on figuring out the algorithms, people shamelessly promoting themselves, creating mind-numbing content with hardly any value, consuming news about this hot new thing which next week fade into irrelevance, and watching videos which are view-baits.

My problem is with the content that's being created on the web today, not with technology or design.

And all of a sudden something which I was wondering about for a long time became clear: why closed communities exist. Closed communities are the only safe spaces left which contain productive, valuable, inspiring content, where sharing for the sake of helping someone is natural, where you can still make meaningful connections, and where you can have productive discussions. These spaces are incompatible with marketing. As soon as there's a chance to promote something, it looses its purity and appeal, and this is when people start to leave.

The vast majority of content on current public social networks is just marketing fluff, and I'm done with it. I'm done with views, likes, shares… not that I was too big on these things in the past to be honest. But these things have a knack for pulling you in and making you play the game, to keep running in the rat race.

I still believe in making honest, valuable content in any form, and I will continue to do that, but I'm done with this other crap.

“Will someone be able to learn from this?” has been my benchmark for content I create, and I'm doubling down.


What's this?

Dragan Babic is a design consultant enabling creatively challenged organizations to nurture design, and work with design professionals in productive ways.

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