Dragan Babic enables design.

The world is done with SaaS.

If you want to make a tool, it can’t be just a tool anymore, because everyone can now make tools that fit their exact needs. Open ended tools are over.

Tool → Process.

Instead of making a standard tool which covers any possible use case, consider making an opinionated tool which conforms to a certain process.

To illustrate with an example: a tool would be a project management app which has all the standard functionality one would expect: projects, tasks, milestones, etc. An opinionated tool would still have all these things, but it would steer you to use it in such a way so that your organization now basically follows a process for project management which guarantees results.

This way you are delivering a way to solve a business problem, not just a tool to do it. People will recognize the greater value.

Give your software some character. I’m here for it!


What's this?

Dragan Babic is a design consultant enabling creatively challenged organizations to nurture design, and work with design professionals in productive ways.

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